Thursday, November 2, 2017

Journals: 10 Reasons why it's useful to keep one

The other day we were clearing out some cupboards when I came across a journal that I'd started writing when I first moved to Guyana. Looking through it brought back memories of my first impressions of the country, getting to know my way around and making new friends.
Journals are a good way of storing your memories and reflecting on your times. When people and life in general is making you frustrated instead of taking it out on some unsuspecting person, record how you're feeling, why you're feeling that way and if there's a solution you can employ. Just the process of putting pen to paper will help to alleviate your stress.
Here are ten reasons why you should consider keeping a journal:
  • You can hear your own voice without having regard for what anyone else thinks of the situation
  • You can track your progress if there's a particular situation you're going through
  • If you're a collector, it is a way of keeping track of your precious items, when and where you purchased them and their value.
  • Who knows? today's journal entry could be the start of tomorrows best seller
  • A place to face your fears and deal with them head on.
  • A great place to record events in history and your thoughts about them at the time.
  • It's a good memory jogger. Was it Uncle Bob or Uncle Joe who broke threw the TV out the window when his football team lost?
  • Journal keeping is particularly good for pre-teens and teens who may find it difficult to verbally communicate their feelings.
  • A journal can help you document plans and strategies.
  • Overtime your journals will show the progress of your hopes and dreams

In the past my journals have been lined note books or page a day diaries. These days I create journals of varying kinds for varying situations, and hobbies.

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